Look What I {Discovered} -WPPC

The Weekly Prompt Photo Challenge theme this week is {Discovery}

Is there anything better than putting on a coat after a good while and discovering a forgotten $10 note when you slip your hand in a pocket?…..well, YES, I think there is!

Since I updated my computer system a couple of months ago, I’ve had a feeling that there were some missing photo’s from my photo files which has sent me on a search through various hard drives to try and solve the mystery…..Nup! no luck…but wait…a good while ago I used to do things in a really complicated way when I didn’t have a SD card reader on my laptop….download photo’s on iPad while travelling, post in batches to FB (iPad now ready to go again), download from FB onto computer when I got home …..gee, no wonder I lost stuff. Well, won’t hurt to have a look through photo’s on FB and I found….oh, I mean discovered…some interesting photo’s that I had long forgotten about. Talk about surprised!

Here they are: one or a few of the photo’s from my visit to the Hobart University Rose Gardens a few years ago

Now please excuse me while I go and search the pockets of all my jackets…..you just never know!


  1. I love your vibrant photos Cath and well done for finding them and thank you for sharing them with our challenge.
    You could save yourself a lot of bother by using iCloud it’s as cheap as chips. And you can log in from any device and download.


    1. I actually now use Google Photo’s…..it is even cheaper than chips! and my new computer has one drive which automatically saves my pics too….you learn things everyday! I couldn’t find what I was looking for on the Cloud either though!


      1. Cath, I frequently have the same problem. I think my filing system needs an overhaul. My folders are in years, with their sub folders in months and then blog titles. Then there’s Family and the sub folders. And Miscellaneous. When all that fails I go to the icloud. Oh then there’s the folder for transfers from the Sony camera!
        It would be perfect if I had a memory!

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